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Can a Porcelain Crown Save Your Broken Tooth?

Nothing ruins a good day quicker than breaking a tooth. All it takes is a sports mishap, slip or fall or biting on hard candy to crack a tooth, leaving you to suffer the consequences of pain and discomfort when you chew. A fractured tooth will also impact your smile, making you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. Fortunately, broken teeth can often be repaired with dental crown treatment. At Greenbelt Dental Health, your Austin, Texas, dentist uses porcelain crowns to restore and save broken teeth.

How Teeth Crowns Work to Repair Broken Teeth

Dental crowns are restorations designed to repair damaged teeth to save them from extraction. A porcelain crown is a protective cap that Dr. Christopher Naranjo can place over a weak, fractured, or severely decayed tooth (after treatment) to repair the damage, strengthen its structure, and protect it from further breakage. Crowns completely cover damaged teeth, all the way down to the gum line, to keep them from crumbling. Crowning your tooth restores its function so it can continue to be used like normal. Porcelain crowns can last up to 10 years or longer, restoring your tooth’s usefulness to save it from extraction. 

The versatility of Dental Crown Treatment

Dental crowns can be used in numerous ways to repair and preserve teeth. Dr. Naranjo may recommend crowning a tooth that’s: 

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Dental crowns can also be used to complete other restorative treatments, such as root canal therapy, fixed bridges, or dental implants.

Porcelain Crowns Near Me

If you live in Austin, TX, or neighboring communities, you can turn to Dr. Christopher Naranjo from Greenbelt Dental Health for porcelain crown treatment. Contact us at (512) 472-3565 today to see how dental crowns can benefit you.

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