Frequently Asked Questions for Your Dentist – Answers to Questions Our Patients Ask
1. Information About Whitening Your Teeth
If you are looking to whiten your smile, Dr. Christopher Naranjo and his team at Greenbelt Dental Health in Austin, Texas, can educate you on the available options. He is pleased to offer two primary types of whitening, including the in-office treatment and our take-home whitening kits with custom-made trays that fit over the dental arch to administer bleaching treatment. The whitening option performed in our practice is done within two hours and includes a thorough cleaning and a peroxide to remove stains and discoloration from the surfaces of the natural tooth enamel. This treatment will provide whitening that is several shades whiter.
Alternatively, some patients may consider gradual whitening, and can take advantage of the custom trays and at home whitening kits. These are used per the dentist’s instructions to brighten teeth over several weeks and can be used regularly to maintain the results over time. Some patients will pair our in-office power bleaching with take-home trays for the best results.
There are several advantages to using a professional teeth whitening treatment at our office. Professional teeth whitening:
- Offers the most dramatic and immediate results with our in-office treatment
- Performed at home can be just as effective but takes a little more time
- Can be combined for a more pronounced improvement in the stains and discoloration of the smile
- Reduces the risk of complications often seen with non-professional whitening systems, such as tooth sensitivity or irritation of the gum tissues
As with any treatment for the body, some inherent risks always exist. This is true for professional teeth whitening treatments as well. We advise patients to consider the following factors before opting for teeth whitening treatment at our office:
- The teeth or gums may become sensitive due to the solution used to brighten the smile and may need to be discontinued if problems develop.
- Teeth whitening services do not affect dental restorations such as dental crowns, dental veneers, or dental bridges. Patients serious about maintaining a whiter smile over time may need to replace these to match their new smiles.
- Patients who are not mindful of the foods they eat and the beverages they drink may find their teeth staining faster after being whitened. We educate patients on foods and drinks that can affect their whitening treatment, such as soda, tea, coffee, red wine, and red or purple berries. Patients might also consider regular whitening if they indulge in these items regularly.
2. Information on Periodontal Disease
There are a few warning signs that may develop in the earlier stages of periodontal disease that may indicate this condition has started. This includes:
- Bleeding gums when brushing and flossing
- Persistent bad breath
- Receding or puffy gum tissues
- Loose teeth
- Shifting in bite alignment
3. Information on the Use of Nightguards
4. Information on Natural Oral Remedies
- Clove oil. Clove oil contains eugenol, which can function as a natural anesthetic.
- Oregano oil. Oregano oil can reduce pain and swelling and can be diluted with jojoba or coconut oil. It can be applied to an abscessed tooth for several minutes a couple of times a day.
- Turmeric and ginger. Turmeric and ginger can be taken as a supplement to regular body inflammation and can be an option for alleviating severe toothaches.
5. Information on What to Do About a Cracked Tooth
Our dentist at Greenbelt Dental Health in Austin, Texas, may make certain recommendations to help you protect your smile from damage. Some tips include:
- Wearing a sports mouthguard when participating in high-impact sports
- Using a nightguard or oral appliance to protect from grinding and clenching of the teeth
- Avoiding using your teeth as tools
- Having any old fillings replaced regularly
- Ensuring your bite is adjusted with the help of a dentist
- Having dental crowns placed over weak and susceptible teeth
- Aligners to help align and distribute bite evenly and improve chewing function
Everyone is susceptible to cracked teeth, though some patients may be more susceptible than others due to the following factors:
- Deep dental fillings that leave significantly less tooth structure remaining
- Previously placed large dental amalgam fillings
- Participation in high-impact sports like football, boxing, and hockey
- Individuals who have bruxism, which causes clenching and grinding of the teeth
- Patients who use their teeth as tools to open items or chew ice cubes
6. Information About Dental Implants
Dental implants have several benefits, which make them a popular choice for tooth replacement. Dental implants:
- Can replace one missing tooth without affecting the surrounding, adjacent teeth
- Allow the dentist to replace missing teeth when a dental bridge is not a viable solution
- Provide a stable base for a full denture, especially on the lower jaw
- Help preserve and maintain the jawbone in the area where teeth have been lost or extracted
- Can last a lifetime in restoring the smile’s appearance and function with proper care
7. Information About Dental Extractions
There are a few complications that can occur with tooth extractions. These include:
- Pain/Discomfort
- Infection
- Nerve damage
- Swelling
Our dental team at Greenbelt Dental Health may recommend using antibiotics before the procedure to minimize the infection before removal. We will discuss any risks or concerns that can develop during or after your procedure so you are well-informed on what to expect with tooth extraction.
8. Information on Tooth-colored Fillings and Restorations
Fillings and the use of dental bonding may be best for a patient, but there are situations where inherent risks and complications can occur. Some of the risks of composite resin materials include:
- Limitations – they can seal a tooth but cannot prevent it from breaking
- Possible fractures, especially in larger fillings
- Decay that develops around the edge of a dental filling
- Post-operative sensitivity can occur after a filling is placed, sometimes up to three months afterward
9. Information on Erosion
Our dentist at Greenbelt Dental Health of Austin, Texas, may consider the following steps to get a definitive diagnosis of erosion before considering treatment options. This includes:
- A complete, thorough review of your medical and dental history
- Discussion of destructive acids that may be part of your daily nutrition
- Measurement and notes of areas of erosion
- Increased risks of erosion due to conditions such as dry mouth
- Evaluating and reviewing home care habits, including brushing and flossing
- Evaluating a possible occupational risk, including increased chances of erosion from specific careers where acid exposure occurs daily
Once you have received an official diagnosis from a dental professional, you can take time to learn about your treatment options. Treatments may include:
- Chewing sugar-free gum to reduce acid reflux
- Reducing GERD symptoms through natural means
- Using a low-abrasion toothpaste and a soft toothbrush
- Reducing acid exposures and frequency of exposures when possible
- Obtaining a medical referral when needed
- Scheduling regular evaluations and cleanings with our dental team
10. Information on the Adverse Effects of Antibiotics
11. Information on Socket Preservation
Socket preservation can be achieved with many different materials that are readily available through Greenbelt Dental Health. These include:
- Bone taken from your body at a donor site and used at a graft site
- Bone taken from another body that is sterilized and freeze-dried before placement
- Synthetic, manmade, or biocompatible materials
These preservation materials are removed by your body and act as a scaffolding so your body can place its own bone.
12. Information About Tooth Decay Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
There are a number of risk factors when considering the potential for experiencing tooth decay in one’s lifetime. Patients not taking care of their teeth may be at an increased risk of dental caries and infection, such as periodontal disease. Risk factors include:
- Poor oral health habits.
- A highly acidic diet.
- Thin natural enamel.
- The number of bad bacteria in the mouth.
13. Information on Dental Caries and Decay Management
A few protocols might be brought to your attention by our dental team regarding the prevention and treatment of tooth decay. These include:
- Toothpaste. When choosing a toothpaste to protect the smile from tooth decay, we recommend using a toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate, nano-hydroxyapatite, calcium, phosphate, and xylitol. Avoid toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate and carrageenan, as these can increase the risk of irritation in the gums.
- Mouth rinses. Mouth rinses should be chosen carefully to ensure they protect your smile against tooth decay. We recommend mouth rinses with xylitol to control and stimulate natural salivary flow to avoid dry mouth. Mouthwashes should also have a higher pH to help buffer any acidity in the mouth. Mouth rinses with natural oils such as orange, lemon, tea tree, aloe vera, peppermint, and eucalyptus boost the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which help protect the natural bone.
- Dental hygiene. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is a wonderful way to reduce the risk of developing cavities that can ultimately damage the smile’s natural health and appearance. We encourage patients to brush and floss after all meals, including snacks, to reduce cavity risks.
- Diet and pH management. While some fruits, such as oranges, are acidic and contain sugar, you should not avoid them altogether. Instead, consider eating acidic foods with meals to prevent overexposure to any acidity. It is okay to consume foods with lower acidities and natural sugars, but be aware that they are best integrated into meals to reduce the risk of damage to the smile while consuming these nutritious foods.
- Additional therapies. Alternatively, our team may recommend using lozenges with xylitol, sugar-free chewing gum, or oil pulling to reduce bacteria levels and the potential for dental caries with time. Diluting hydrogen peroxide in your Waterpik is also another good way to help minimize bad bacteria in your mouth.