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General Dentistry

Woman smiling at the dental

The importance of general and preventative dentistry for healthy smiles

At Greenbelt Dental Health, prevention is the key to good oral health and wellness. Dr. Christopher Naranjo and his team use a functional approach to understand the underlying causes of any issues. This is to ensure that every patient understands how to care for their teeth and gums between their routine dental cleanings and evaluations. Our patients benefit from our whole body integrative approach, whereby we offer true solutions versus traditional symptom-only treatment. Dr. Christopher Naranjo specifically chose to study Dentistry at Western University of Health Sciences because of the involved curriculum. His first two years of medical courses were in the same room as the Osteopathic Doctors. This led to a body systems education above and beyond what other traditional dental schools offer – a whole body approach with an emphasis in dentistry.

What sets Dr. Christopher Naranjo apart from other dental offices is your initial visit. Most dental offices squeeze you in for a quick forty-five minute data collection and a rushed same day cleaning. This is not enough time to properly communicate your dental and health history, nutrition, and most importantly your goals, let alone gather all the proper dental findings. Dental visits should not only be for an emergency. Preventive care is ideal, keeping you and your family free from experiencing the discomfort and cost of problems such as cavities, infection, or gum disease. The experienced hygienists at Greenbelt Dental Health provide the rare combination of exquisite skill coupled with a gentle touch. Our office uses only state-of-the-art technology to examine and treat all areas of the oral structure.

While most dental offices promote “twice a year cleanings,” we let the health of the individual direct how often to return for maintenance care. Not dictated by insurance, our recommendation for cleanings is based on the specific needs of our patients. Some patients love having their regular six-month cleaning interval. Others have impeccable oral hygiene and visit every year and a half. Our goal has always been to teach our patients how to properly care for themselves. Of course, this kind of practitioner-patient relationship can only happen after completing a comprehensive examination and all pressing treatment first. “Check-ups” are important and do allow us to become better acquainted with our patients and their oral health, but each person receives care tailored precisely to his or her needs and may not require yearly examinations.

General dental care includes restorative treatments like fillings, inlays, onlays, crowns, veneers and other services. Dr. Christopher Naranjo is proud to be one of the few Central Texas dentists who are certified in safe mercury removal. Our practice follows the strict protocols of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, the IAOMT. In addition, Dr. Naranjo works closely with other healthcare providers to help patients in follow-up detoxification treatments. Through this interdisciplinary healthcare approach, patients have been able to achieve the proper healthcare they desire.

Austin, Texas, area patients who need general dentistry services are welcome to work with our general family dentistry practice to obtain the care they need for a lifetime of overall health and healthy smiles!

What is the goal of general dentistry?

General dentistry is often known as preventative dentistry. It focuses on helping improve the dental health of a patient and maintain their oral health over a lifetime. We want our patients to understand how poor diet, nutrition, and oral health habits can contribute to a wide range of dental issues that can impact their health. For example, patients with a poor oral hygiene regimen and specific genetic predisposition may find themselves with periodontal disease. If left undiagnosed and untreated, this condition can be detrimental to one’s oral and overall health. It can result in losing gum tissue, jawbone, and teeth. In addition, it can require costly, extensive appointments and services to restore the appearance and health of the smile. Bacteria in the mouth can be carried through the bloodstream and result in an increased risk of diabetes, strokes, and heart disease. Patients can keep their smiles free from infection and cavities with proper care and general dentistry services!

Learn about how bad oral health affects overall well-being in children

Learn more about advanced general dentistry services available at Greenbelt Dental Health

Patients in the Austin, Texas community and beyond who are ready to work with a family and biological dentist in the area who provides general dental health services are welcome to call Dr. Christopher Naranjo at (512) 472-3565 to request an appointment. We are open to new and returning patients and families seeking experienced and skilled care for their oral health and wellness.

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