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What to Expect from Ozone Dental Treatment

When you think of ozone, maybe you think of that scary hole that’s somewhere way up in the sky in the Earth’s ozone layer. Because of that hole, ozone has developed a reputation as a harmful pollutant to human beings. However, ozone occurs naturally as a transient form of oxygen. When used by well-trained dental practitioners, it has several benefits.

If you’re looking for an ozone therapy dentist, you are probably aware of the benefits of the holistic treatment of ozone dental therapy. The good news is that when you get ready for ozone dental treatment, Greenbelt Dental Health, serving residents in and around Austin, Texas, has options for you. But what exactly is ozone dental treatment, and what can you expect? Let’s dive in and learn more about this holistic option for your oral care.

What Is Ozone Dental Treatment?

Although it sounds high-tech, dental ozone treatment has been used in dentistry since the 1930s, when Dr. E.A. Fisch started using ozone with his dental patients. Ozone has strong antibacterial properties and is excellent when used for wound healing. When dentists use ozone therapy, they apply the treatment in either liquid or gas form.

Before being used in dentistry, ozone was used as early as the 1870s to purify blood cells in test tubes as part of a project conducted by Dr. C. Lender. In addition to being used in dentistry, ozone therapy is often used routinely for several medical disorders, including the following.

What Conditions Does Ozone Therapy Treat?

Ozone therapy can treat several different oral health issues. Besides treating these conditions, ozone can kill bacteria in hard-to-reach places below the gum line.

Oral Rinse Before Treatment

When used as an oral rinse before treatment, ozone can kill harmful viruses and bacteria.

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Tooth Decay

Ozone therapy can be effective in the prevention and management of tooth decay. Ozone’s antibacterial properties may help prevent small cavities’ growth in the fissures and pits on the back teeth’ biting surfaces.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

The International Journal of Health Sciences conducted a study that proved that periodontal disease is the world’s most common oral condition. Ozone therapy has shown promise in treating chronic gum infection.


Some endodontic procedures like root canals can become necessary when a tooth’s interior pulp tissue becomes infected in an irreversible way. Historically, an infected tooth required removal, but today, dentists can perform root canal therapy. In some cases, ozone can help to disinfect the tooth’s interior canal and the tissues around the tooth root’s tip.

Ready for Ozone Dental Treatment in Austin, Texas?

Are you ready to learn more about ozone dental treatment? Dr. Christopher Naranjo and the team at Greenbelt Dental Health in Austin, Texas, are here to answer your questions. Give us a call at (512) 472-3565 or request an appointment online today.

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