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Root Canal With Ozone Therapy

Man smiling at the dental clinic

What are the advantages of root canal therapy with ozone?

Root canal therapy, also known as a “root canal,” is a common form of treatment in the field of dentistry. However, it does not always entirely remove the infection that might be present. Some dentists have contention regarding the efficacy of using root canal treatment to address a deep infection. Dr. Christopher Naranjo and his team at Greenbelt Dental Health are here to help. As a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, he fully understands the various reasons why a professional or a patient might question the validity of the root canal treatment. When performed in the traditional manner, there may be issues that can arise.

I have heard root canals are bad, shouldn’t I just extract the tooth?

There are cases when there is a large infection and the tooth is necrotic, where removal of the tooth is the best option, but that does not mean it is always the best option. Once you remove a tooth from the area, it loses a lot of vascularity that was still supplying the ligaments outside of the tooth. If we are able to disinfect your tooth properly with a root canal, there is no better option than your natural tooth. If we believe that this is not the best overall option for your health, then an extraction will be recommended. At the end of the day, our main concern is coming up with a plan that you feel most comfortable with.

Root canal therapy at Greenbelt Dental Health explained by Dr. Christopher Naranjo

What is root canal therapy? If you have a damaged tooth, root canal therapy may be the best option to preserve it. Watch this video to learn more as Dr. Naranjo explains all about it.

What is root canal therapy?

Hello, I’m Dr. Christopher Naranjo with Greenbelt Dental Health. Today I am going to talk to you about root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy may be utilized to preserve your natural tooth if there isn’t any damage to the internal nerve.

What is the process of root canal therapy?

If you have any lingering or severe tooth pain, maybe it is time for a consultation.

The root canal procedure removes the infected nerve and vasculature inside the tooth along with any bacteria.

The tooth inside is cleaned and sealed to prevent any more bacteria from entering. The question is whether this is a good option for you.

A lot is based on how much tooth structure is left and how long the tooth has been infected. There are miles of tubules within the tooth that can make it very difficult to clean.

What technology is used at Greenbelt Dental Health during root canal therapy?

We use our Carestream 3D scanner to evaluate the root anatomy to know exactly where to clean.

Also, through the Fotona laser in our office and ozone, cleansing can occur throughout the whole tooth leading to a more predictable and successful outcome.

From a preservation standpoint, root canal therapy is a less invasive and traumatic treatment of not having the tooth extracted.

But that doesn’t always mean, is the best option for everyone. It’s very important to me to evaluate each person individually and determine the best course of action based on what you feel comfortable with.

Feel free to give us a call today for more information on root canal therapy.

Benefits of ozone in a root canal?

At Greenbelt Dental Health of Austin, Texas, Dr. Naranjo is pleased to offer ozone therapy for root canal patients, and here’s why. The oral structure is more than just the teeth and gums. Inside of the roots of the tooth are miles of dentinal tubules. These are very small areas where bacteria can travel from the infected tooth and spread. Traditional root canal therapy focuses on the core of the infection that lies in the dental pulp tissues. The procedure can fully eradicate the disease by removing all these tissues while destroying the remaining bacteria. However, this is not always the case.

The presence of the dentinal tubules makes it almost impossible to destroy all bacteria. That leads Dr. Christopher Naranjo to incorporate alternative methods. That includes integrating ozone therapy and laser therapy for root canal patients. Ozone is the use of special ozone water that is used in the canals and stimulated with laser dental instruments such as the Fotona Laser. By combining ozone and root canal treatment, he can ensure that all bacteria are removed and that the infection cannot return to a tooth already treated.

What separates this office from others is the use of the Fotona Laser when doing root canal therapies. With proper technology and diagnostic imaging, a predictable and safe outcome can be achieved. Once the diagnostic imaging is completed, treatment takes place using ozonated water to irrigate the canals after the removal of infected tissue. The ozone water is then left in the canals and stimulated via the Fotona Laser. This allows the rapid formation of vapor bubbles, inducing turbulent fluid movements throughout the whole entire tooth, and increased penetration into the dentinal tubules. The entire root system is dried and then properly sealed to prevent any bacteria from re-entering. The filling materials we use are biocompatible and much safer than previous filling materials. A major advantage of root canal therapy is being able to maintain the natural ligaments around the tooth, which allow compression.

Why is Root Canal Therapy a great holistic option now?

Previously, we were unaware there were infections associated with root canal teeth. Access to only 2 dimensional x rays and poor disinfection techniques allowed infections to persist in our jawbones and allow harmful bacteria into our system. We were unable to diagnose and clean out the bacteria effectively. Through the use of our Carestream Cone Beam Scanner, we can have a 3D visualization of the teeth and surrounding tissues – allowing us to diagnose any persisting infections and to map out our root canals. By integrating the Fotona Laser and ozone, the tubules within a tooth can be disinfected to the fullest, eliminating the harmful bacteria. Sometimes the anatomy of the teeth is complicated, and in these cases we may refer you to one of our root canal specialists to perform the treatment with similar protocols to our own.

Schedule a visit with the team at Greenbelt Dental Health

Patients in and around the community of Austin, Texas, who are interested in receiving dental care that benefits your general health, and in learning more about advanced solutions for common dental problems, including ozone therapy in endodontics, are encouraged to call (512) 472-3565 to request an appointment. Our team is conveniently located in Suite #402 at 1301 West 25th Street and is open to new and returning patients.

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