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Tooth-colored dental fillings are the safest option for patients with cavities

In dentistry, tooth-colored fillings have revolutionized how we restore the look and function of our smiles. Gone are the days of noticeable, dark, and unsafe silver amalgam fillings. Today, Dr. Christopher Naranjo embraces composite resin dental fillings, a quality dental solution that blends perfectly with our natural teeth. Many patients who visit Greenbelt Dental Health in Austin, Texas, often ask our dental team about the advantages of composite resin fillings and how they compare to silver amalgam fillings.

How do tooth-colored fillings differ from silver amalgam fillings?

Silver amalgam fillings were used in the past as the primary material for treating areas of decay. However, continued research shows that this material is less biocompatible than we once thought. Instead, it can increase a patient’s risk of developing mercury toxicity due to the mercury materials that comprise approximately 50% of the filling. Mercury toxicity can contribute to several neurological issues, making it a material that should be avoided at all costs!


With tooth-colored fillings, our team at Greenbelt Dental Health uses a composite resin material to fill an area of decay instead of silver amalgam materials. This eliminates the risk of mercury toxicity, as this material is much more compatible with the human body and one of the safest alternatives. Additionally, these fillings do not expand and contract in the same way that traditional silver amalgam fillings do, reducing the potential of bacteria entering the natural tooth’s inner canals and causing infection.

When we talk to patients about their choices for dental fillings, tooth-colored fillings are often the primary option due to their appearance. The composite resin material is made to match the patient’s natural tooth enamel in color, ensuring that the filling placement is extremely discreet and safe in restoring a tooth that has been affected by cavities.

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Are you ready to switch your silver amalgam fillings for tooth-colored composite fillings?

Contact Dr. Christopher Naranjo of Greenbelt Dental Health to request a visit with our team of dental professionals in Austin, TX. Our office is located at 1301 West 25th Street, Suite #402, and can be reached by telephone to request a visit by calling (512) 472-3565. We proudly serve our patients in the surrounding areas and are open to new patients and families at our advanced, state-of-the-art dental practice.

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