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Jan 02

Many patients considering SureSmile aligners often question how this process works and what they can expect with these clear aligner trays. At Greenbelt Dental Health, Dr. Christopher Naranjo of Austin, Texas, can educate you on why many patients choose SureSmile over traditional metal bracket-and-wire braces. Here are a few ways in which SureSmile is designed […]

May 26

Are you interested in realigning your smile? Are you self-conscious about gaps and turned teeth at the front of your smile? Do you find yourself avoiding laughing or smiling with others because of the appearance of your teeth? Have you noticed your teeth chipping or getting more build up due to crowding? Many patients with […]

Aug 01

Many people naturally crave a beautiful, straight smile. Although some people are born with a natural, straight smile, others need the help of orthodontic treatment. In the past, metal braces were the only option for straightening teeth, but today patients have more options. Having straight teeth is much more than just straight teeth though. Proper […]

Aug 24

Poorly aligned teeth can make you feel self-conscious and may also hamper how effectively your mouth functions when chewing your food or even when you are speaking. Crooked teeth also lead to more plaque and tarter build up, which can lead to gingivitis and bone disease – periodontitis. With today’s advanced technology, dentists can now […]